U.S.D.A. Foods are provided by Central Community United Methodist Church. Volunteers from our church, the community, and Lives Under Construction Boys Ranch work together to provide food items for the people of the community.
The Central Crossing Senior Center is a strong part of our community. We work together to share resources.
To visit their website go to
The Harvest Community Garden provides fresh fruit and vegetables to various individuals and local organizations.
They are gearing up for next season. Beds are available to plant and harvest your garden spot. Or just join in the community site and help others.
CCUMC is proud to partner with our local chamber of commerce in an effort to cultivate and enhance a vibrant sense of community that truly makes Shell Knob an exceptional place to both live and visit. Through this collaboration, we strive to create positive experiences and meaningful connections, ensuring that our town remains a welcoming and delightful destination for everyone. Together, we are committed to making a difference in our community, contributing to the unique charm and appeal of Shell Knob.